Thursday, August 09, 2007

Paul McCartney hates everything.

Maybe hate is too strong of a word, but I believe I can prove that he "doesn't care too much" for anything, so maybe "Paul McCartney doesn't care too much for anything" would be a more accurate title, but if you've read this blog, you know it's not about accuracy (or style, definitely not content or structure... I guess I could tell you what it's about, but then I'd have to shoot me.)

Back to my point. If you listen to the lyrics for "Can't Buy Me Love" written by Paul and John, you'll hear this:

"....I don't care too much for money, money can't buy me love"

The clear implication here is that the author/singer doesn't care too much for anything that can't buy him love. Since most will agree that nothing can buy love; clearly Paul and/or John is saying here that they don't really like anything. Paul later recanted, but not in a way that would warm your heart. He decided, based on his experience and success that indeed money can buy him love. This strikes me as even more cynical than his original position, that he doesn't much like anything, and not reflective of his thinking at the time of writing.

John Lennon later followed this up with the lyrics to "Imagine" which I'll excerpt here:

Imagine there's no countries
It isn't hard to do
Nothing to kill or die for

John embraced his inner dislike of everything and imagined a utopia when all of those things ceased to exist. Paul on the other hand seems to have repressed his true feelings about everything not himself and gone on to write/perform several songs that at the very least explain that he likes cannabis. Actions speak louder than words though and Paul clearly showed his dislike for both his fans and the rest of the world by recording two songs with Michael Jackson.

Cynical as I must sound like from time to time, clearly Paul and John have me beat here. I've never claimed to hate everything. Everything is a really long list and I can think of several exceptions to it right off the bat. For example, I don't hate gold striped cats named "Westley" or most cheese (brie isn't cheese, it's spoiled milk with a rind.)

I'm also OK with money, even though it can't buy me love. So Paul - you can send me a check (Google knows how to find me) to get rid of some of the stuff you don't care for. I'm afraid I can't help much with the rest of it.