Friday, December 04, 2015

Economic terrorism / Santa's Bag of Toys

Once again, we come to that time of year when we all look forward to gorging on large balls of turkey ham in gravy made from the distilled essence of reindeer ears and cranberry-raisin-shitake compote layered with garlic-acornsquash mashed potatos with crushed pine-nut and coconut topping. You know, all this stuff the pilgrims ate with their good buddies the friendly Native Americans who's land they were about to claim for England (and then subsequently take back from England.)

When I go anywhere near a place where you can buy expensive stuff that's similar to, but not quite exactly what your loved ones have been hoping to receive for Christmas, I am made aware of the gigantic economic impact that Christmas has, in a relatively short period of time. There are MANY businesses which would not survive without the large uptick that Christmas represents, and they wait anxiously for Black Friday, Cyber Monday and Opt-out Wednesday. (That last one isn't a recognized thing, but I'm naming it right now....)

 So, with all of the economic stimulation happening each yule, there are many enemies of the West that would love to disrupt it. There are threats to the places where people shop, and conversely all kinds of risk management that goes into making sure that the general shopping orgy goes on without hindrance. We take this very seriously and do what we can to keep people safe and assure that the positive economic impacts are maximized.

The major threat to this year end shot-in-the-arm that nobody seems to pay ANY attention to is an insidious regular -- even institutionalized multi-billion dollar negative impact, which flys in the face of western commerce and trade. It is a wholesale attack on our way of life, our economy and our values which we must not tolerate if we are to continue as free citizens supporting a free enterprise system. What's more, the perpetrator of this insidious attack is known to all, and his activities are sanctioned by most citizens and many governments. Santa Claus must be stopped.

Single-handedly, Santa delivers toys to all of the "good" boys and girls around the world on Christmas Eve. Bypassing the free enterprise system entirely, using "magic" and foreign (non-human) labor, paying them or enslaving them (it's not clear which) but certainly NOT having a positive impact on the labor force in any of the countries where he's delivering free toys.

The negative labor impact and suspected working conditions alone should be enough to ban Santa from our borders, but Santa is taking jobs away from hard working toymakers and  delivery drivers - the free gifts he illegally stuffs under our trees each represent a lost sales opportunity and damages the entire pipeline of goods production, sales and delivery in every nation he's allowed to damage in this way.

He's NOT a citizen of anywhere but the north pole, he DOESN'T have trade agreements with pretty much anywhere, he's dumping cheap (free) goods on a market when we most depend on our economy functioning at peak capacity. Santa's agenda is clear, and it's the economic destruction of Western economies. We cannot continue to tolerate these attacks.

Withold the milk, the cookies, block the chimney -- open up reindeer hunting season over the holiday. Do what you can to save yourself and your country from this foreign invader. Support your local toymaker, ban Santa!