Thursday, March 08, 2007

More Uncertainty

I usually don't stay on a single topic for more than one post here, but with a total of what - three entries you can't say that ANYTHING would be considered out of character, right?

One interpretation of quantum superpositioning and the observationally rendered wave function collapse is that for each and every possibility, all of the available options are realized, resulting in an astounding number of alternate universes, each precipitated by the observed resolution of (at the atomic end of the scale) an electron into a dicernable particle. If we consider that our actions at the macro level (e.g. choosing to hrrumph instead of snort as you read this) are precipitated by an extremely large number of events at the atomic level - we can imagine that for each of our actions, there are universes full of us that chose a near infinite number of alternate actions (assuming there are a finite number of quanta in the observable universe.)

If you're still reading, take a moment and consider what decisions in your life made that happen, and how you might influence things to produce better outcomes in the future, where you would be reading page 17 of your cellular phone manual instead.

So, if a few quadrillion versions of myself are spawning off new universes several times per second, manifesting all possible outcomes from each decision I make, that means a simple good versus evil choice that I make, like choosing the fajita versus the fish taco for lunch actually happens in equal measure by inumerable mes for every variant of each combination. So, while the me that's typing this has invariably chosen good (i.e. fajitas) over evil (clearly - fish tacos) there are JUST AS MANY mes that are out there ordering some horrific halibut with cheese and lettuce thing. So, while I'd like to think that I am generally a positive force in the universe, there's just as many mes out there wearing disco pants to the grocery store and voting republican.

Dedicated to our beloved Coda, still snoring on the couch in several quadrillion alternate universes, snoring evilly in about half of them.

1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Ah Coda. Farewell.