Monday, January 12, 2009

Post radioactive mutant cleanup nearly complete

Another visitation from Cinter Claus, Krampus or Santa (depending on your viewpoint) and I managed to escape the effects of his near light speed transit of my chimney and home, but my decontamination procedure turned up something disturbing while I was making a sweep of the second floor - unhealthy levels of radiation. My detector just registers the energetic particles, not what type, so I have no idea what I'm being exposed to.

Why would I even be monitoring for radiation, you ask (those of you that don't know me anyway?) Well, apparently this Clause character travels with the aid of mutant ungulates which have the ability to fly (which I have no explanation for) and one of which apparently glows in the visible spectrum with a light strong enough to act as a useful fog light while traveling over the earth at several thousand miles per hour. Now, the brightness needed from a fog light is directly proportional to the expected travel speed, in order to give you a chance to see an object and then react, so the light from this glowing mutant reindeer nose would need to be about 80 trillion candlepower. I don't know any normal bioluminescence on earth that can create that much light, so we're forced to contemplate power sources which could possibly suffice, namely it's a radioactive mutant reindeer.

Can you imagine the horrible toll such a creature took on his herd in the early days? All of the other reindeer would be calling you names like, "bringer of death" and "he who kills all that he comes near." Santa must have found some really decent shielding to be able to put him out front and not have reindeer hair falling out in clumps all around him as he flys. Still, it seems pretty irresponsible to be landing on rooftops all over the world with something that deadly irradiating all of your packages, the rooftops and seed clouds overhead. The eventual radioactive snow alone could doom us all.

So, the clean-up continues with me in my lead suit and hasmat protocols. I can't seem to find a source for lead roofing tiles, and automated anti-aircraft emplacements aren't fast enough to track and destroy something moving fast enough to visit every household on earth in one night, so I'm kind of stumped regarding how to mitigate the threat. I think I'll go check to see if PetCo has sold out of lead pooper scoopers for radioactive mutant reindeer droppings.

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